The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.
—Albert Einsteinl
What Is The Future Of Work?
There are forces at work which have to be constantly studied because they impact all industries and nations in one way or the other. There is not only globalisation, but also growing nationalism, accelerating digitalisation, climate change, demographics (ageing population, rising unemployment etc), concerns around food security, pandemics like we had seen none which are causing economic markets to either create bubbles or busts.
The World Economic Forum encourages dialogue around these subjects and thought leaders, economists and political heads draw out their agendas around how the extent of disruption all these would bring in their respective home grounds. Business leaders have to have an understanding of the changing paradigms of leadership, flexible workforce arrangements, fluid roles and structures in a hybrid working model. The uncertainty around these can cause loss of employee productivity, focus, attrition and engagement. The playbook of the future of work therefore has to be constantly updated.
I have had a good fortune of working on FoW for over a decade and continues to remain devoted to it.
How I Help
- Understanding trends of FoW and making them work for you
- Future proofing the Organisation: The Why, What & When
- Designing Leadership and people policies for a digital transformation
I'm on a mission
To help you unleash your truest potential.
I'm a People Practitioner with three decades of work experience in the BFSI and Consulting, here to be your Leadership, Transformation and Design Thinking Coach.